As important as exercising is, it can never be complete without a good and balanced diet, and asimportant as a balanced diet is, it will always be useless with no iota of exercise.It has always been known that the body requires a certain amount of energy in-order to functionwell, but exercising cannot give us all that, except with the aid of a good diet.
Now to the words that bought us here, can exercising cancel out a poor diet?No able person can exercise well without being well-fed.You may have consumed, and yet get nothing from what was consumed, you may have devouredon something, and yet didn’t get what you deserved, you may have eaten and yet feel so dizzy,and that leads us to how life exists in two-folds.

In every single day of our life, the heart pumps blood which is circulated within the splanchnicorgans in the body, and in the blood that is circulated to the brain is Glucose, and if for fiveseconds the brain is deprived of it, it may be forced to shut down, and that may lead to the victimbeing in a critical condition.
Now, are you consuming enough balanced diet that would contribute to the secretion ofAdenosine Triphosphate which is the form with which the energy are supplied? Are junksrequired to fulfill your habitual nourishment?Carbohydrates are energy giving food, does that mean they are meant to be consumed yourwhole life? As a matter of fact, if being deprived or being in excess, it may lead to somephysiological conditions.
All enzymes are proteins and are required to catalyze specific biochemical reactions, and ofcourse, protein stimulates the secretion of some hormones and at the same time, they are meantto be inhibited for proper body functioning.Everyone can survive a day without food, but not without water. In a case whereby the body isdehydrated, what we request for is water, not food and a dehydrated body may cause the kidneynot to perform its function diligently, for there will be nothing for the glomerulus (situated at theMedulla portion of the kidney to filter, and of course no secretion or reabsorption will takeplace.
These and other food component are necessary for a better body functioning, now assuming allthat you have been eating hasn’t been contributing to the production of glucose that is neededby the brain, do you think exercising would have served as a substitute? Definitely not, both areneeded to acquire the best result.
For Example
Let’s use a scenario to scrutinize this situation.There was a guy who so much loved Exercising, but his diet were not so great. He would oftenindulge in Fast food and sugary snacks. Despite that, he believed that his intense workouts couldcancel out the effects of his poor diet. He thought he could out-train his unhealthy eating habits.But as time went on, He started experiencing some problems. His Energy levels were low, he feltsluggish during workouts, and he wasn't seeing the results he wanted. Turns out, no matter howmuch he exercised, his poor diet was holding him back. Many people believe that they cancompensate for a poor diet by Exercising More, but the truth is that Diet plays a crucial rolein our overall health and Fitness.
In the case of a dry and dull skin, hair falling out or Bad Eye Sight, you possibly cannot cure theproblem by exercising, a good nutrition is required.
Let’s reverse this scenario, a balanced diet without exercising.There has been several cases whereby people get lots of fats deposited in them, and this may bedue to the fact that they are not getting themselves involved in work out.A 10 minutes walk could have done some miracles, or making an attempt to do some housechores would have decrease its excessive deposition. Many had to undergo surgical operationsto unravel their union, whereas a simple task could have saved them all. A sustainable weightloss is more achievable with a combination of healthy eating and exercise.
A lack of essential nutrients from a poor diet can lead to deficiencies and health complications.Chronic diseases associated with poor diet such as diabetes or heart disease cannot beprevented by exercising alone.Exercise doesn't and can never address the nutritional deficiencies caused by a poor diet.
A fractured bone can be healed easily when good nutrition are consumed and when exercises areput into practice? Some medical conditions such as this and many more requires the combinationof the two to make a perfect score, one does not necessarily take the role of another.
A depressed person being wouldn’t be asked to consume more food, but advised to get himself orherself engaged with tasks to take his or her mind off the problem, be it taking a walk, buildingsocial relationships with people, or volunteering for works, all of these are a form of exercise.Although a good diet is needed alongside, but it isn’t the preferred solution to the problem.A patient with a low blood sugar level or one that feels dizzy easily wouldn’t be asked to gethimself or herself engaged with exercise, because excess of it may backfire; in the sense that,the patient might be found in the state of unconsciousness.
Poor nutrition could affect the reproductive system in some cases. For instance, the release ofspermatozoa may be inhibited in the case of a man and yet exercising is essential to avoidfattening up because it may take longer to come on heat and thus affect their reproduction.These and many other scenarios will provide an insight to the situation.
Remember, it's important to nourish our bodies properly through a balanced diet alongsideregular exercise, for when we get the required nutrients and our body structures are free fromany distress, we get more active physically, mentally, emotionally and thus the world is in theverge of becoming a better place.
Tags: exercising, poor diet