Do you get healthy through diet or exercise

What lifestyle do you choose? Healthy or unhealthy?

People lose their energy easily due to the way they live their lives every day, e.g., not having enough sleep, poor diet, and other lifestyle factors. And this contributes to your healthy living.A healthy lifestyle includes activities and habits that encourage the development of total physical, mental, and spiritual fitness. And it also reduces the risk of major illness.This is the strategy and the step actions you use to achieve health and well-being.To be very healthy, you need to maintain a balanced diet and proper exercise, it has to be done properly according to your strength and capability.

How important is it to eat a balanced diet at the right time and also in the right proportion.

Balanced diets are diets that consist of all the six classes of foods that are needed in the body-carbohydrate, protein, fat and oil, minerals, vitamins, and water.When the body is fit and healthy, it helps you to work diligently and efficiently, it also helps to keep your soul refreshing and your body glowing.A healthy lifestyle should be your priority, you need to do your exercise regularly according to your capability, it helps you to perform your daily tasks without getting easily worn out.Proper Exercise and a balanced diet also help to reduce the risk of illness, help to relieve stress, and also make you relaxed at the end of the day.

Living healthy includes doing exercise like walking, jogging, jumping, dancing, etc.Also, ensure to always have enough rest and adequate sleep, and don't sleep too much because it can also lead to fatigue, our food intake also has to be moderate because eating too much can also cause obesity.You need to also avoid taking harmful substances, always check the content of what you eat before eating, check for the expiry date of manufactured products before eating, and always be cautious of what you eat in the best way you can.Regular physical exercise helps you to stay fit, lively, healthy, and vigorous as you grow older, it also prevents health diseases like cardiac arrest, cancer, etc. and it helps with self-esteem, and boosts self-confidence. It also enhances a happy mood, agility, activeness at work, and emotional stability.

For babies

it's advisable medically to breastfeed them only for the first six months if the mother's health allows it and to continuously breastfeed them for 2 years and also eat other foods because breast milk contains the necessary nutrients and calcium needed for babies to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain proper growth.

For children

Children can't conveniently do exercise, their parents have to be more intentional about the food they eat and how much sugar they consume, it has to contain the necessary nutrients needed in their body, like vegetables, proteins, and other classes of foods as mentioned earlier. Eating a balanced diet helps to keep their sense organs eyes, ears, tongues, nose, and skin healthy, it supports muscles and strengthens their bones.

For pregnant women

They need a balanced and adequate diet, and they need to eat more vegetables and fruits as well, eating lots of vegetables and fruits helps to increase the energy in the body system naturally. They also need adequate exercise which helps to also ease the labor pain. Pregnant women need to exercise often so they can be more healthy. They also have to ensure they drink enough water as it is necessary. Regular exercise has a big impact on pregnant women because it also helps to prevent tiredness and to be physically and mentally fit to move around easily. This reduces stress and fatigue, which would enhance the productivity of the body.

For Elderly people

Elderly people, also need a balanced diet because they are more prone to sickness than youth, the elderly need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, they need to be more cautious of what they eat as it is a necessity, and they need to stop taking, soda, sugury drinks, eggs, meats, alcohol, fried foods, etc. The elderly people need to eat more fish, vegetables, etc. and, at the same time, they need to control their intake of fruits as elderly ones with diabetes should take more fruits like apples, plums, Oranges, pears, etc. The elderly need to take more water as their body needs it regularly.

For Youth

Youths need to watch what they eat and also watch their weight, they need to take the multivitamins supplement necessary, and they also need to drink enough water and stay hydrated to maintain a healthy lifestyle, they should also limit sugar intake and exercise regularly to help keep fit. Also, the youths should stop smoking and get enough sleep.

In conclusion, we all need to live a healthy life and promote a healthy lifestyle, Eating a balanced diet at the right time and exercising regularly play a significant role in achieving it.

Tags: Diet, Exercise