Zika virus is a mosquito borne virus which can cause birth defect in pregnant women. This defect could be as worse as neurological defects, thus, preventing pregnant women from contracting this virus is very crucial to the survival of the foetus and even mankind.

Measures That Can Be Taken To Prevent Pregnant Women From Getting Infected By Zika Virus

It is vital to know that the Zika virus is spread mainly through mosquito bites but it can also be a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). Precautionary measures against the virus need to be look into.

Firstly, they must understand the danger at hand. Having an understanding on how the virus spreads and the symptoms of the infection is a good way to prevent themselves from getting infected. As established earlier, the virus is primarily spread through mosquito bites (Aedes mosquito) which are very active during the day. Stagnant water and dirty lakes are the main breeding grounds for these insects. Therefore, by getting rid of any stagnant water around their residence, the mosquitoes won't have any ground to breed. For you to know if you have contracted the Zika virus, the following symptoms would be observable: joint pain, fever, rashes, etc. Sometimes these symptoms are mild and can last tor several days or even weeks. However this virus can cause a disorder in the foetus of pregnant women called microcephaly. This shows how important it is for pregnant women to know about the virus and the dangers.

Secondly, having safe transfusion of blood reduces the chances of getting infected. Just like HIV/AIDS, Zika virus can also be transmitted through blood transfusion. To prevent this, anybody planning to have a blood transfusion should speak to their doctor or health care provider and ensure that the blood is screened and tested before transfusion. Protecting yourself personally can also help in the preventing the transmission of this virus. Pregnant women should protect themselves from getting bitten by the mosquitoes either by putting on long sleeved clothes or by using mosquito repellents like odomos and any other repellent licensed by the Environmental protection agency.

The transmission of the virus can also be prevented through mosquito control. As stated earlier getting rid of stagnant water is the primary way of controlling the spread of mosquito but they can also be controlled by using mosquito nets and by staying in well ventilated place and also using insecticides. The Nigeria government can also help by clearing all the drainage and getting rid of waste that can become possible breeding grounds for the mosquitoes.