As someone wise once said- “Spirituality is something that can create a bridge between man and the greater power.” But to attain that spiritual ground amidst the din and bustle of our daily lives, the only thing we need is immense practice. Most Nigerian people live a life of work and hustle, and the lack of self-indulgence affects them in the most adverse manner possible. There can be numerous symptoms like restlessness, anxiety, and stress, and it is at this moment that there is a need to clear our minds.

To date, numerous studies have been conducted to have a deeper understanding of how spiritual meditation can benefit and calm the nerves, but the results remain inconclusive. Spirituality, in its true sense, is something unmeasurable. Even then, several books enhance our knowledge regarding the various forms of spiritual meditation and how it can affect men, women, and children in Nigeria. But first, let us dive deeper into what is spiritual meditation.

The Realm of Spiritual Meditation

Not only in Nigeria but various other countries in the world have connected their religion with the practice of soulful meditation. Therefore, numerous forms have emerged namely- mantra meditation, metta meditation, contemplative prayer, and so on. The goal of each of these forms remains constant- that is to attain salvation or association with the Universe and the one who created it. Generic meditation might have numerous benefits, but spiritual meditation focuses mostly on stress relief and relaxation.

Most meditation practitioners believe that to attain mindfulness, one needs to peek inside the soul rather than find peace in external elements. Therefore connection with the soul remains one of the primordial factors to interrelate with divinity.

Essential Traits of Spiritual Meditation

When an individual indulges in the art of spiritual meditation, there are numerous features involved in the same. According to a scientific study conducted in the year 2019, the experience can give you a sense of isolation- in which one might want to be separated from the materialistic world.

For some others, the experience can be quite different as they may see certain visions and even hear voices often. Remember, it is the inner soul speaking about your unresolved issues which may even feel like a spiritual angel is guiding you.

Overall, a pure sense of ascendency can hover as the individual gets closer to the divine self. But the most interesting thing about spiritual meditation is the results can be diverse.

Benefits To Attain

Each one of us needs a sense of balance in our lives- be it between work and family or among materialistic elements and the divine. Spiritual meditation creates a holistic balance in not only men and women but also in children. Those who engage in the practice of meditation from early life can live a balanced life while finding inner peace.

Strong reactions to situations can also alter the mental peace of an individual but not for the ones who believe in spirituality. Also, meditation enhances creativity, productivity, and innovation in individuals thereby bringing the mind and body in proper synchronisation.

Interrelation With Sleep

As sedatives work for the body, so does meditation work for the mind. One of the most effective methodologies to bring sound sleep is undoubtedly meditation, and even more so when it is spiritual. There is no thumb rule for practising spiritual meditation. The only constant is to try and connect with your inner soul and listen to your breathing patterns. Here are some of the tricks to engage in spiritual contemplation.

How To Do Spiritual Meditation?

The first thing is to find a position in which you feel comfortable and you can hold on for a long time. The room should be airy and full of light so that you feel the positive aura around you. Try to follow the voice of your soul and let it guide you upwards to the cloud and the heavens. But make sure you complete the process by coming back to your present.

Final Verdict

Spiritual meditation can be intensely effective if done correctly. No matter what your age, you can do it at any time of the day. Just practise it in a serene ambiance, and gradually you will be able to get a grasp over your mind.